Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Bishop Ford High School Bishop Ford Central Catholic High School Bishop Ford CCHS: A TragiComedy (Inspired by Juanito (Jay) Rodriguez)

Dear NY Daily News, Mr. Abramson, Mr. O’Keeffe, Ms. Thompson, NY Post, NY Times and WSJ:

Per Mr. Abramson’s request for additional information on Bishop Ford Central Catholic High School, it may behoove you to be mindful of the fact that in addition to Ray Nash and his son, Peter Nash embezzling $53,000 from the school’s endowment, another (By) Product of BFCCHS, Joel Nazareno, was convicted of embezzling $37 Million from his clients, most of whom lost their pensions and entire life’s savings.

He was sentenced to 5 years in prison with a mandatory 3 years of probation and supervision. Nazareno was barred by the SEC and FINRA from ever working in the securities industry again. Worse yet, Nazareno is at it again with another mini-Madoff scheme, at his new venture, Genesis Capital Enterprises!!!

Apparently, BFCCHS is a haven and breeding ground for mini-Madoffs, moral turpitude, corruption, bribery, prostitution, cronyism, endemic and systemic dysfunction, teenage pregnancies out-of-wedlock, child rapists and pedophiles alike!!! 

The “school” (IF you can call it that!) should be appositely renamed, Bishop Madoff CCHS.

If the missing $53,000 was never discovered by the BFCCHS’s oblivious, comatose, inept and feckless Board of Trustees and Board of Directors, Ray and Peter Nash would obviously Never have returned the money, or even mentioned that they “borrowed” (LOL!!!) the money.

Any other Joe Blow would have been prosecuted by the Brooklyn DA’s office for this malfeasance and misappropriation of funds. Moreover, the oblivious, comatose, inept and feckless Board of Trustees and Board of Directors should have been prosecuted for failing to carry out its fiduciary responsibilities,

(If they had done their jobs or had a blastocyte’s inkling of what their responsibilities are, they may have caught the accounting irregularities caused by Ray Nash and his cronies’ boiling (not cooking) the books.

But then again Maybe NOT, because they are oblivious, comatose, inept and feckless after all.), as well as failing to implement and promulgate fiscal policies. Ray Nash was quoted in the media and newspapers as saying [sic], “I ‘think’ and worry that Pete ‘might’ be wasting his BA in English, from Columbia University.” DUH!!! That’s axiomatic! DUH!!! Pete has always been quixotic.

Did it ever occur to you why Ray and Peter Nash were never prosecuted by the Brooklyn DA’s office for embezzling $53,000? And G0D only knows - This is probably Not the only time money disappeared and was “borrowed” (LOL!) from the School’s coffers and endowment.

It’s just that this time around, Ray Nash and his Bishop Madoff CCHS cronies were caught, and some members of the Board of Trustees and Board of Directors briefly awoke from their hibernation to find that $53,000 was missing from the endowment.

Did it ever occur to you why the statutory rapists/ “teachers” of Bishop Madoff CCHS who have been having sex with their underage students for decades have Never been prosecuted by the DA’s office (i.e. Daniel-Mary Kay Letourneau Pisselli-Churlish Boorish Megalomaniac (Egotistical Maniacal Windbag), for one)?
Bishop Madoff CCHS is politically connected, corrupt, has an all too cozy relationship with the DA’s office, and has the DA’s office in its pocket and wrapped around its Madoff finger.

In addition to Bishop Madoff CCHS’ familial and political connections to politicians and members of law enforcement, many of its alumni, including but not limited to Matthew Long, James Long, Eileen Long Chelales,  JEANNIE ANNE DOPMAN-O'NEILL  ( NOW  AT  RIDGEWOOD SCHOOL DISTRICT  IN NEW JERSEY.  Jeannie Dopman-O’Neill  "Worked" (ROTFLMFAO!  IF YOU CAN EVEN CALL IT THAT !)  there for ONLY ONE YEAR at an ANNUAL SALARY OF $90,000 AND THEN WAS “PROMOTED” TO AN ADMINISTRATOR JOB AT A $130,000 SALARY.   



And Martin Brennan consistently Protect, WIPE and Cover the Fat Ass of Bishop Madoff CCHS. Bishop Madoff CCHS is apparently above the law.

The aforementioned have worked for or continue to be employed by Rudy Giuliani, George Pataki, Charles Schumer, as well as numerous other politicians and persons of influence in law enforcement.

Jeannie Anne Dopman-O’Neill, the Bigotted White Trash Ghetto Psycho-SocioPath Even had the Reprehensible Effrontery, Insolence And Hubris to AID,  ABETT,  initiate a Fund-Raiser to Help and for the LEGAL FUND of Bishop Madoff’s Raymond Nash and Peter Nash, Even Though The Latter Two EMBEZZLERS, THIEVES STOLE MONEY FROM BISHOP MADOFF HIGH SCHOOL’S ENDOWMENT!!!

Even though their and other Internet reviews report that James and Matthew Long, as well as their employees in their restaurants/bars constantly hit on and sexually harass their female patrons whilst expelling the male patrons amongst other baleful activities, these are NOT as grotesque, disgusting, vulgar, disreputable, and iniquitous as (also attached below):

Not to mention the base and derogatory, yet apposite comments about Bishop Madoff CCHS on; a “great school” it is NOT. Here are just a few nuggets of some of the best blogs on the Internet AND from the aforementioned links about disgusting, vulgar, disreputable, and iniquitous Bishop Madoff Central Catholic High School, as well as its famous or rather infamous, reprobate and opprobrious Daniel-Mary Kay Letourneau Pisselli-Boorish Megalomaniac -Level One Sex Offender (Egotistical Maniacal Windbag) (and Remember Penn State University, Poly Prep School and Syracuse University?):

Bishop Madoff CCHS is a tragicomedy of errors. If Samuel Beckett were alive today, he would have already written a play about it. Bishop Madoff CCHS is a comedy because it’s a Farce and Pariah of a “School”. LOL!!! 

Bishop Madoff is also a tragedy due to decades of festering decrepit embezzling, thievery, the mini-Madoffs, the mini-Madoffs’ fraudulent schemes, moral turpitude, corruption, bribery, cronyism, dysfunction, prostitution, hegemony, oligarchy, child/statutory rapists, pedophiles, Ad Infinitum!!!

Gee, wonder why 99% of Bishop Madoff CCHS’s alumni do NOT donate even one Fvcking penny to the “School” (IF you can call it that because Bishop Ford Central Catholic High “School” is an Oxymoron!) ???!!! LOL!!! 

In fact, the second the students get their final transcripts and Diplomas, they yell, “Yippie Kayay Mother Fvckers”, in the spirit of John McClane/Bruce Willis. 99% of them don’t want to have anything further to do with Bishop Madoff CCHS for the rest of their lives, Fore Fvcken Ever!!! They said goodbye a long, long, long, long time ago. LOL!!!

But then Ray Nash (the oligarch dictator Chairman Mao who has his Fat Ass glued to the Throne) and the administrators of Bishop Madoff are adept at inveigling Suckers/Benefactors into donating money to Bishop Madoff Central Catholic High School, cough, The Bank of Nash, cough. So in fact, Bishop Madoff CCHS doesn’t need its alumni to donate money.

Why Mr. Abramson, Mr. O’Keeffe, and Ms. Thompson, did you know that recently some idiot Sucker/Benefactor actually handed Ray Nash (directly into his hand!) a $300,000 check for the, cough, Bishop Madoff CCHS endowment, cough. 

Bishop Madoff CCHS actually had the newsletter uploaded onto the Development Page of’s website for a few weeks, until they suddenly removed it (probably due to the bad publicity and backlash that would result similar to the one at Penn State and Syracuse Universities).

Why all the coy disguises??? Any idiot gullible Sucker / Benefactor or Alumnus who “donates” money to Bishop Madoff CCHS should just write the Fvcken check payable to The Bank of Nash (for Ray and Peter). Why don’t you just put the money directly into their pockets? Why bother with all the coy disguises and ruses? That’s where your Fvcken money is going anyway!

Any idiot gullible Sucker/Benefactor or Alumnus who “donates” money to Bishop Madoff CCHS Really must be High on Crack AND LSD! Moreover, Bishop Madoff CCHS as well as its caterers and chefs should be investigated for spiking the food they serve with Crack and LSD to the unwitting Suckers / Benefactors and Alumni whom Bishop Madoff CCHS palavers during the Bishop Madoff outings and events. They’re sure sucking hard on those Crack Pipes during the Bishop Madoff outings and events! LOL!!! They’ve got the good Sh!t!

Bishop Madoff High “School” (that’s an Oxymoron!) is a very Mediocre school (see reviews and comments below on several websites from current students, alumni and “Parents”/Suckers). 

It is Not academically challenging, Not academically competitive even when compared to other local Catholic High Schools (i.e. even Monsignor Farrell, Xaverian and ArchBishop Molloy offer AP courses), and BOTH the course “work” and the students are prosaic, insular, provincial, pedestrian and pedantic at best 

(The BFCCHS’s students’ “achievements” are no match for the caliber and apotheosis of the students from other high schools, whether the students are from public, parochial or private prep schools.).

Hell, even public high schools that are located in destitute, lower socioeconomic class neighborhoods/districts that offer AP courses are academically competitive and challenging compared to BFCCHS. 

Such schools actually prepare their students for the competition to get into colleges, the college experience itself and the real world!!! But then, most if not All Catholic “schools” are Not academically rigorous anyway compared to public schools that offer AP courses, private prep schools, and Jewish schools.

As some bloggers posted on, “Any above average student should stay far away from this school. Bishop Ford is a very mediocre school and is put at a huge disadvantage due to not offering any AP classes. The school itself is far behind many others academically.”

Any “Parent(s)”/Suckers who has their children enrolled in Bishop Madoff Central Catholic High “School” should save themselves the $9000+ Tuition per year, per student they Flush Down the Bishop Madoff High “School” Toilet and MOVE to at least even a middle-class neighborhood/public school district that offers AP Courses (i.e. Stuyvesant High School), if the “Parent(s)”/Suckers can Not afford (or Don’t have the connections to) the well-known, elite prep schools such as Dalton, Horace Mann, Spence, Phillips Exeter, Phillips Andover, Hotchkiss, Brearley, Choate Rosemary Hall, Riverdale Country School, etc..

Better yet, here are some of the students’ and alumni reviews right from the horses’ mouths 

(The “laudatory” reviews are transparent, laconic and were obviously written by Bishop Madoff’s school administrators; the “laudatory” reviews are only 1 to 3 lines long and state something along the lines of,  “Greatest school in the world.   I wouldn’t trade my academic experience for any other school”. You can also just Google ‘Bishop Ford High School Reviews’ or ‘Bishop Ford High School Comment’) LOL!!! :

Posted October 25, 2008

There are some good teachers, but the rest are under qualified. If you are an above average student, then you will be put at a disadvantage by the course selections they offer. Also, their sports program is so over funded it’s ridiculous; students will find themselves often saying 'at least the gym is nice' I'm a senior currently in this school and I have to say that over all the teaching was crap, and most teachers can’t even tell you why their subject is important. I wish deep in my heart that I had transferred out of this school when I had the chance, because I was caught in what me and some of my friends call the 'bishop ford matrix' meaning that we thought our achievements made in this school can even measure up to the ones made by students in other schools...we obviously thought wrong. stay away from BFCCHS.

—Submitted by a student Write your own review

Posted May 22, 2008

Any above average student should stay far away from this school. Bishop Ford is a very mediocre school and is put at a huge disadvantage due to not offering any AP classes. The school itself is far behind many others academically. I am an above average student, and I was never challenged intellectually at Bishop Ford. Most teachers and guidance counselors are inexperienced. The students are, for the most part, 'ghetto' (not meant to be derogatory). The student body, while diverse, is heavily segregated (but most high schools are like this). A public high school offering AP classes that is decently safe would be a better choice, and it is free. In the end, I feel this school did not prepare me or my fellow classmates well for College, and a lack of AP classes disadvantaged many higher achievers.

—Submitted by a student Write your own review

1. smackitupNflipit says:

There were a handful of teachers at Ford who I still look back fondly on–Mr. Simonetti (RIP), Ms. Curtin, Dr. Stephen.. But they were by far the exceptions. As for the rest of the “faculty,” they were only marginally less retarded than the student body. The whole place is basically a diploma mill for the future plumbers, private sanitation workers and janitors of tomorrow (nothing against those professions, but you catch my drift). It truly amazes me that I was able to recoup from there.

Hell and HO (as in Whore) NO! Bishop Madoff Central Catholic High School was GHETTO WHITE TRASH SHIKSAs/GOYEMs 20 years ago, it seems some things never change!!! LOL!!! 

According to the students/alumni who posted the comments on as well as other sites (just Google/Bing Search them) on October 25, 2008, BFCCHS is still GHETTO TRASH after all these Years and Decades. 

The only difference today, IF there is any, is that Now the “School” is just regular, quintessential GHETTO TRASH, instead of the WHITE TRASH/WHITE GHETTO SHIKSAs/GOYEMs the way it was 20+ years ago.

According to the NY Daily News, NY Post, and other media outlets (you can do a Google/Bing search), there was a mass Exodus of teachers in the early 1990s, as well as an exponential drop in enrollment due to the ever exponentially increasing 

GHETTONESS, Rapes, Robberies, Pedophilia, Sexual Harassment, Gangs, Guns, Drugs, corruption, bribery, prostitution, cronyism, endemic and systemic dysfunction, teenage pregnancies out-of-wedlock, child rapists ad infinitum, everything that an $9000+ per year, per student TOILET where the “Parents”/Suckers are just Flushing their Hard-Earned Money Down, ahem “School” should have.

This was right around the time Daniel-Mary Kay Letourneau Pisselli-Churlish Boor Megalomaniac Level One Sex Offender (Egotistical Maniacal Windbag) (and Remember Penn State University, Poly Prep School and Syracuse University?) was FVCKING quintessential Ghetto Trash Slut

(Underage Minor – Where the Fvck were her” Parents” anyway when all of this was going on???) Vanissa Huaylinos-Pisselli (TWAT-SLUT Egotistical Maniacal Windbag), (Has No) Class of ’92 (Dan Pisselli ’74 (Egotistical Maniacal Windbag)). 

Hhhhaaaa, those were the Good Old Days….that still exist in the present.

Even prior to the first decade of this Century, as some bloggers posted, at BFCCHS, “The student body, while diverse, is heavily segregated” (although most high schools are like this). Even Ken Chiusano has repeatedly promulgated the same.

He proclaims that he consistently observes the Blacks/African –Americans sit in one corner or table of the cafeteria, the White Ghetto/Trash congregate or sit at other tables, the Hispanics sit at another table(s),the Rock n’ Rollers sit at yet another table(s), and everyone else in between congregate/sit at yet (an)other table(s).

“The student body, while diverse, is heavily segregated” (although most high schools are like this) – is just thinly veiled segregation and bigotry.

For all its smug, high and mighty, self –aggrandizing, sanctimoniousness, Bishop Madoff Central Catholic High “School”, its students, staff, and Administrators Was And Still is Filled with Anti-Semitism, Bigots, Bigotry, Shiksas, Goyems, you know, Insular, Provincial, Pedestrian, Churlish, Prejudiced WHITE TRASH / WHITE GHETTO SHIT.

This is one reason why BFCCHS brought out of retirement one of the Head Coaches, just so that an African-American will Never and Not ascend to the level of Head Coach (as was covered by the NYPost and NY Daily News) because 5 Black/African-American assistant coaches submitted their job applications for the job of Head Coach.

At least the regular Ghetto Trash / Violent Savages know that they’re Ghetto Trash, Violent Savages, but the WHITE TRASH / WHITE GHETTO SHIT actually believe that they’re ascendant to, better than and superior to the former.

Garbage is Garbage. There’s No such thing as clean Garbage. Trash is Trash. There’s No such thing as clean Trash. But then Pigs eat their own Shit and Garbage (i.e. BFCCHS). That’s why Pigs are un-kosher.

It’s no wonder why 99% of Bishop Madoff CCHS’s alumni do NOT donate even one Fvcking Penny to the “school” (IF you can call it that because Bishop Ford Central Catholic High “School” is an Oxymoron!) ???!!! LOL!!!

In fact, the second the students get their final transcripts and Diplomas, they yell, “Yippie Kayay Mother Fvckers”, in the spirit of John McClane/Bruce Willis.

99% of them don’t want to have anything further to do with Bishop Madoff CCHS for the rest of their lives, Fore Fvcken Ever!!! They said goodbye a long, long, long, long time ago. LOL!!! BFCCHS cannot seem to comprehend the fact that “High School” in general, is Not the avatar of fond or good memories.

This is one reason 99% of Bishop Madoff CCHS’s alumni do NOT donate even one Fvcking penny to the “school” or attend BFCCHS events. Hell, both BFCCHS’s students and alumni actually cheer and hope that it goes Bankrupt and Closes Down!!! LOL!!!

This, juxtaposed with the fact that smaller, more personalized public schools, as well as Charter Schools are being erected every day, only contribute to Bishop Madoff Central Catholic High “School’s” inevitable demise. 

Over the past 20+ years, an average of 2 Catholic Schools (both elementary schools and high schools) have declared bankruptcy and closed each year. And so all of these factors contribute to BFCCHS’s downward spiral and imminent extinguishment.

It’s NOT such a far-fetched idea that Bishop Madoff Central Catholic High “School” will also go BANKRUPT and Close Its Doors Forever (i.e. Nazareth Regional High School is set to CLOSE in June 2012). It can’t happen Fast Enough. It would be a Blessing and a Gift to the World. LOL!!!

Imagine, getting all of this management consulting advice for free without an 8-figure fee from McKinsey, AT Kearney, Bain Capital or Booz Allen Hamilton.

It’s too bad BFCCHS’s oblivious, comatose, inept and feckless Board of Trustees and Board of Directors have been in hibernation since the beginning of time and haven’t figured all this out. LOL!!!

And Remember, Like “Minds” think and Group Think alike.
But Alas, a page from the play book of Juanito (Jay) Rodriguez of JPMorgan Chase was borrowed (See Below) – Bishop Madoff Central Catholic High School - What a Pariah, Circus, Freak Show, Insular, Boorish, Churlish, Provincial Motley Crew LOL!!!

They that have power to hurt and will do none,
That do not do the thing they most do show,
Who, moving others, are themselves as stone,
Unmoved, cold, and to temptation slow,
They rightly do inherit heaven's graces
And husband nature's riches from expense;
They are the lords and owners of their faces,
Others but stewards of their excellence.
The summer's flower is to the summer sweet,
Though to itself it only live and die,
But if that flower with base infection meet,
The basest weed outbraves his dignity:
For sweetest things turn sourest by their deeds;
Lilies that fester smell far worse than weeds.

· Alberto Giovanni Gancitano – everyone except you, knew you ARE Gay. It’s only now that you’ve finally come out of the Fvcking Closet with Your Boyfriends. LOL! But then you know what that means and what it’s like. Butt-Fvcking! LOL!!!

It wouldn’t be a shocking revelation if and when children, especially boys, incriminate you in a Child Sex Abuse Scandal (Remember Penn State University, Poly Prep School and Syracuse University?).




You laughed at, castigated and excoriated Fat People as well as other people, after you finally lost 300 of your own Fat Pounds because you suddenly gained some false sense of confidence, haughtiness and self-righteousness as if you suddenly became ascendant to other people. Now the whole world is Laughing at, Castigating (though You should be Castrated also) and Excoriating YOU.

o Which begs the question: Why the Fvck would you associate yourself with Bishop Madoff Central Catholic High “School” or any Christian institution for that matter (i.e. Episcopalian Churches, etc.) , when these same institutions have castigated and excoriated You as a Pariah, Freak of Nature, Disgusting Freak Show and Abnormal??? 

     As Joe Amendola (Jerry Sandusky’s lawyer) recommended, You need to Dial 1-800-Reality. (Joe Amendola inadvertently indicated that Jerry Sandusky Is connected with this Gay, Male Escort Service – what an idiot “lawyer”!) LOL!!!


     Alexander Castro , Alex Castro Lime Energy  – Herman Cain’s pimp (whether or not Alex’s mustache is shaved off). LOL!!! Quintessential Plebeian White Trash / White Ghetto. Even David Letterman stated that he looks like a pimp Full of Energy or the owner of an Adult DVD/Bookstore, especially when he’s smoking a cigarette.   However,  you’re Not actually “White”.  You’re a URM, trying to convince the world that you’re Caucasian.  So Sad.  LOL!!!

    Of course because apparently Employers and Companies ( Lime Energy , etc.) in the provincial, insular and ignorant Southern States  (i.e.  North Carolina)  Do  NOT  DO  BACKGROUND  CHECKS,   CRIMINAL  BACKGROUND  CHECKS, as  well as  Verify  and  Confirm Past  Employment and  Academic  Degrees,  Alexander Castro, Alex Castro claims to have a MBA from New York University, NYU Stern School of Business.  

     New York University and NYU Stern Business School  have  NO Record  WhatSoEver  of  Alexander Castro  Ever graduating with a MBA Degree or Any Undergraduate Degree. 


     You  ONLY  Took  Ad  Hoc  courses at  NYU Stern  while working full-time during 1996-1998  and then at the University of North Carolina (UNC)  Belk College of Business 2008-2009,  WITHOUT   Graduating with ANY type of academic degree.    

      But gradually, over time, these ad hoc courses you had taken  TRANSMOGRIFIED,  Morphed and  Evolved  into  a  Fictious  MBA Degree that was  NEVER  Conferred.


      Even IF You were somehow accepted / admitted to NYU Stern Business  School  back in 1996,  and G0D  knows that NYU Stern was Accepting people with low GMAT Scores in the  Low  500’s  back in the Mid-1990’s  And  Accepting  80%  of ALL of  its Applicants  for NYU Stern’s  Lower caliber  Part-Time MBA Program,  YOU  Did  NOT  graduate  with  Any Type of Academic Degree  Let  Alone a  MBA  Degree !!! 

     Moreover,  it  Took  YOU  5 and ½ years to finish college first at CUNY Brooklyn College, and then after transferring to Polytechnic University.   So Sad.  LOL!!! 

      H3ll,  if Even  MARILEE  JONES, the Former Dean of Admissions at MIT  for 30 Years (Before  She was FIRED in 2007)  Lied and Embellished her Credentials for over 30 Years, then  EVERYONE And ANYONE  ELSE (ALEXANDER CASTRO )  IS  Capable  of  and Susceptible to  doing the Same !!!  (See Articles Below)  So Sad. ROTFLMFAO !!!

      And  NO,  although  Polytechnic University  was acquired and bought by New York University in  2008,  Polytechnic is a  4th Tier “engineering school”  (IF  it can Even be called that !)  that admits / accepts bodies of students, even Dead Bodies suffice,  who couldn’t get into the Real Engineering Schools.  

      Polytechnic is a Degree FACTORY,  a Degree Mill,  a  4th  Tier “Engineering School” (as ranked by U.S. News & World Report and other Periodicals)  IF it can  Even  be called that.  It’s NO Cooper Union,  let alone  Columbia Engineering,  Harvey Mudd or MIT.  Polytechnic is light years behind the  REAL  Engineering Schools. 

      New York University (NYU) saw an opportunity to ravage and plunder Polytech’s  best and Only Assets, and ONLY thing of Value:  its Real Estate Properties  (buildings, laboratories, machinery and undeveloped land on Long Island, New York).  The rest of Polytechnic University was and is FECES.  NYU has NOT and will NOT invest in the Dregs. 

     The better merger strategy would have been to acquire Cooper Union which is in the same Greenwich Village neighborhood as  NYU.  Cooper Union is at least a 2nd  Tier Engineering School  if not a  1st Tier Engineering School and has Always admitted ONLY Students with  700+ Math And Verbal  SAT Scores  (unlike Polytechnic University – 400’s,  600’s at best in its mid-90% of its student body), according to the U.S. News & World Report Rankings. 

     But alas, Cooper Union has No  Real  Estate  Assets – only 2 buildings in Greenwich Village, Manhattan.   Polytechnic is the Red Headed Step-Child NYU  unwillingly inherited.  Consequently,  Polytechnic  is and is NOT truly a member of  New York University (NYU).  Polytechnic is a light years arms-length affiliated entity of NYU, kept at a convenient distance in Brooklyn, New York  away from  NYU’s Main Campus in Manhattan.   

     Polytechnic University filed for Bankruptcy and was so desperately searching for a Buyer.  Even after an Alumnus donated $270  Million to Polytechnic, the DYSFUNCTIONAL  school and  its DYSFUNCTIONAL “Management”  couldn’t keep the school afloat and prevent  Bankruptcy.  It was and is a Laughing Stock  and Pariah.  Also Take Note of the Comments from Students and Alumni on 
     Even though you think you're G0d's gift to the World and Women, you ROTFLMFAO ended up marrying Plebeian Trailer Park Ignorant White Southern Trash Ghetto, Rebekah Ferrari, who had 4 Bastard Kids Out of Wedlock from 3 Different Men she did NOT marry and had to resort to Selling her Eggs from her Ovaries for 15 Years to Feed Herself and Her 4 Bastards because the Welfare Checks weren’t enough!!! 

     After  having 2 Bastard Babies, she still didn’t realize that it’s a financial, emotional, physical and psychological strain to keep having Bastard Babies???!!!  What a Genius White Ghetto Trailer Park Trash  Just Like Honey Boo Boo’s Family ???!!!  

     This is besides the Fact that Rebekah Ferrari Castro and her 4 Bastard Kids were Leeching Off  of  TaxPayer  Funded Welfare Checks for over 15  Years !
     If you think you don't need to Spend your hard-earned money on Seven Kids (Her 4 Bastards Plus Your Own 3 Kids), And Just Your Own 3 Biological Children, You're  Naive,  High on Crack and Living on Fantasy Island.  
     The Other 4 Bastards will feel like the unwanted red-headed stepchildren they are, and resent you for it. They'll even plot to pit you against Rebekah, and get in between the both of you by causing friction.       

Alexander Castro CEM CEP LEED AP

Energy Efficiency. Delivered
Charlotte, North Carolina Area
Oil & Energy

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Alexander Castro CEM CEP LEED AP's Overview

·         Vice President Business Development and Client Management, Utility Solutions at Lime Energy Co.
·         Vice President at MethodIQ, Inc.
·         Director at Prenova
·         Manager at Amerada Hess
·         Director at National Grid
·         University of North Carolina at Charlotte - Belk College of Business
·         New York University - Leonard N. Stern School of Business
·         Polytechnic University
·         City University of New York-Brooklyn College
2 people have recommended Alexander
500+ connections

Alexander Castro CEM CEP LEED AP's Summary

Senior manager with 22 years of experience in energy efficiency program management, business process improvement, business development, and operations.

Proven strategist who develops and organizes energy and energy-related programs. Customer results-oriented team leader with exceptional skills in account management, and financial planning development; blending technical experience with strong interpersonal, oral and writing skills.

Creative problem solver with the ability to develop practical solutions to complex business and technical challenges. Team player and approachable coach who leads by example.


Strategic Planning, Business Process Integration, Project Management, Account Management, Energy Management, Risk Assessment, Energy Procurement, Consulting Solutions, Budget Development, Forecast Modeling, Energy Engineering, Business Process Improvement

Alexander Castro CEM CEP LEED AP's Experience

Vice President Business Development and Client Management, Utility Solutions

Lime Energy Co.

Public Company; 51-200 employees; LIME; Renewables & Environment industry
January 2008 – Present (6 years) Charlotte, North Carolina Area
Lime Energy is a leading provider of energy efficiency solutions. Our services include integrated program management, energy engineering, consulting and implementation of energy efficient measures. At Lime Energy, we assist our clients by designing the programs, recruiting the customers, performing audits and engineering, and we perform the installations, nationwide.

Our solutions enable utilities to meet their energy efficiency goals while helping their customers to reduce their facilities’ energy consumption, lower their operating and maintenance costs, and reduce their carbon footprint. We have the engineering and implementation track record in lighting, mechanical and electrical upgrades, water conservation, weatherization, and renewable energy systems.

Lime Energy provides these solutions for clients including utilities, commercial and industrial customers, residential customers, and the government sector.

Vice President

MethodIQ, Inc.

2005 – 2007 (2 years)
Consulting Solutions



Privately Held; 501-1000 employees; Oil & Energy industry
October 2000 – May 2005 (4 years 8 months)
Energy Efficiency


Amerada Hess

Public Company; 1001-5000 employees; HES; Oil & Energy industry
January 1997 – September 2000 (3 years 9 months)
Energy Consultation


National Grid

Public Company; 10,001+ employees; NGG; Utilities industry
July 1991 – January 1997 (5 years 7 months)
Energy Consultation

Alexander Castro CEM CEP LEED AP's Languages

·         Spanish

Alexander Castro CEM CEP LEED AP's Skills & Expertise

1.      Energy Management
2.    Account Management
3.    Energy
4.    Energy Efficiency
5.     Program Management
6.    Procurement
7.     Project Management
8.    Business Development
9.    Renewable Energy
10.                        Strategic Planning
11.  Energy Audits
12.Energy Conservation
14.Demand Response
15. Business Process Improvement
17. Sustainability
19.Contract Negotiation
20.                      Solar Energy
21.Alternative Energy
22.                       Cleantech
23.                       Sustainable Energy
24.                       Smart Grid
25.                       Energy Policy
26.                       Building Automation
27.                       Solar Thermal
28.                       Photovoltaics
29.                       Wind
30.                      Straight Talking

Alexander Castro CEM CEP LEED AP's Education

University of North Carolina at Charlotte - Belk College of Business

Post Graduate, Business Administration

2008 – 2009

New York University - Leonard N. Stern School of Business

Post Gradute, Business Administration

1996 – 1998

Polytechnic University

BSME, Mechanical Engineering

1988 – 1991

City University of New York-Brooklyn College

Math, Math

1986 – 1988

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Send Moving Up suggestions to
Feb 17, 2012, 6:00am EST       Moving Up
Moving Up: Alexander Castro, Lime Energy Co.
Alexander Castro, Lime Energy Co.      Alexander Castro

Staff Charlotte Business Journal
New position: Vice president of utility solutions business development, Lime Energy Co.
Hometown: Originally from Brooklyn, N.Y.
Education: BSME, polytechnic; master’s in finance, 1998, with both degrees from New York University
What you like most about your new job: Taking part in strategic decisions that will affect the growth of Lime and significantly impact our utility business, which in two short years has grown from zero to $60 million.
Thoughts on your new position: I am excited to share my knowledge, experience and passion in a senior leadership role. I am supported by an incredible team in North Carolina and around the country that share my vision and drive regarding the future of clean energy.
Career advice: Stay true to yourself, and bring passion and joy to what you do.
First job: Selling newspapers on the Verrazano Bridge in New York City during the winter of 1980
Personal hero: Jesus Christ
Goals yet to be achieved: Raising my children to be happy, fulfilled, contributing members of society who believe in themselves, God and others, and to see more investment-owned, co-op and municipal utilities in the U.S. achieve aggressive energy-reduction goals through Lime’s program design and strategies.
Last book read: Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell
Person you would most like to meet: T. Boone Pickens
Family: Wife, Rebekah; daughters Christa, 18, Alyssa, 14, and Sarah, 1; and sons Payton, 17, Jaydon, 9, and Gabriell and Alex, 3
Favorite vacation spot: Culebra, Puerto Rico
Little-known fact about you: I want to be a farmer someday.
Favorite cause: sOccket, soccer ball delivered to underprivileged children that produces electricity after 30 minutes of play. (30 minutes of play equal three hours of light.)
Favorite Charlotte restaurant: The Bagel Bin in Huntersville
Likes about Charlotte: The energy ecosystem and excitement about the energy hub
Dislikes about Charlotte: I miss having the ocean nearby.
What you most enjoy doing in your free time: Playing with the kids and spending time reading aloud to the entire family
Send Moving Up suggestions to

· And then there are those who squeezed out 3 to 5, or even 6 puppies/kids, some almost immediately after they got their MRS / High School Diplomas, and then became Really Fvcken FAT, just like Star Jones (Before she got her Gastric By-Pass Surgery). LOL!!!

· Gina Debernardo - Ruggiero – you have and Always will look like a URM. LOL!!! Are you sure you’re not one and a Midget to boot ???
· Christine Mau, Darlene Donofrio Mormando, Dawn Marie Ricci Chiyuto, Dina Mennella Vitiello, Francesca Infantino Oppedisano, Peggy McGrath Jones, Tanya Ruiz, Lizette Barquero Desimone, Patricia Mullen Fiorentino, Olympia Matarazzo, Enrico Martino, Anna Lapesa David, Beth Schebece, Francesca Colina Alaimo, Nancy Grimaldi Horan, Beata Kovak, Maria Agosta - Allen , Tara Walls, Elizabeth Greco - Nieves , Geraldine Portera Pollice, Theresa Onesta, Norma Pineda, etc. - Quintessential Plebeian White Trash / White Ghetto / Jersey Shore Boorish Churlish Trailer Park Trash (except for Norma Pineda, Beata Kovak and Elizabeth Greco - Nieves – They’re regular, quintessential Ghetto Violent Savage Trash. LOL!!!
If you don’t want to be treated like Violent, Savage Ghetto, then Don’t act like Violent, Savage Ghetto (NY Times: Bridge’s Partial Fencing Points to a Bigger Divide, By Liz Robbins (Stephen Arthur was hit by a brick))).

o Always the Bellicose, Reprobate, Pugnacious, Recalcitrant, Obstinate, Contumacious, Boorish, Churlish, Mean-Spirited, Miscreants looking for quintessential White Trailer Park Trash Fights and Bullying, in the bathrooms, locker rooms, even in the MTA New York City Subway System –
     Wherever and Whenever YOU can Get It or Find It (because you believed, incorrectly, that Fighting outside of BFCCHS property, off of school grounds, provided You with impunity from Not one but Both Assistant Principals, until they got wind of the Situations (Jersey Shore Trailer Park Trash) and pilloried You; You almost got your Fat Asses Expelled and Kicked Out of the “school”. (You should have been. You deserved it.)) LOL!!!.

o Even the “School” properties, buildings and bathrooms were defaced with your eviscerating diatribes and bullying scrawled and written on the walls. It’s simply a Fvcken Miracle that You weren’t Expelled and Kicked Out of Bishop Ford Central Catholic High “School” / Bishop Madoff CCHS!!!
     But then, it’s a known fact that the “School” Administrators and Principals are generally soft, lenient, and negligent pvssys / pusillanimous, when it comes to “Disciplining” “girls”. So Sad and So Pathetic. Yet LOL!!!

These are the Churlish, Ignorant, Provincial (By) Products and Argot of a typical Catholic “School” and Bishop Madoff High “School” “Education”. LOL !!! So Sad and So Fvcken Pathetic.

Peggy McGrath Jones – all that Cigarette Smoking, Crack, Meth and LSD have added 30 years and 300 pounds to your Wrinkles and Obesity in addition to your Yellow, broken down teeth. LOL!!!

Nancy Grimaldi Horan  and Maria Agosta Allen – for some bizarre reasons you got your Asses kicked in the bathrooms and outside of “School” grounds (probably about a guy), with the perpetrators taking advantage of and making fun of your back brace, and the fact that Camille suddenly died at the age of 15.

Darlene Donofrio Mormando - has the most Vulgar, Tawdry, Meretricious, Ghetto Truck Driver, Detestable, Repugnant, Ignominious, Disgraceful, Opprobrious, Scabrous, Lascivious, Odious and last but Not least, Trashy, Fvcken MOUTH, known to Humankind!!! This is the Patois of the Churlish, Ignorant Provincial By-Products of a “ Top-Notch Catholic “Education” ”.
Everything that comes out of your Mouth is Fvcken This, Fvcken That, MotherFvcken This, and MotherFvcken That!!! Twat This, Dick That!!!

You were gestated, incubated and hatched that way, by Mrs. Satan with a Big Fat Dick already growing out of your Mouth. You, not Natasha Henstridge, are the Alien in the movie, Species. LOL!!! 

It’s NO FVCKEN Wonder YOUR MOUTH, Sexual Promiscuity and YOUR Constant FIGHTING On and Off of School Property/Grounds actually Did get YOU (and Theresa Onesta) Expelled Out of Bishop Madoff Central Catholic High School!!! LOL!!!

· Francesca Infantino Oppedisano - You have been, still are and always will be a Fat Sack of Sebaceous, Ignorant, Insular, Provincial White Trash / White Ghetto Shit!!! 

     You suddenly exclaimed that you were or planned to Transfer to another High “School”, when in Fact, after only 2 years you actually simply just Dropped Out of High “School” altogether.
     You couldn’t and can’t take the “rigors” of even the sub-par mediocre or even Non-honours, third tier / Section 3 (the Sections / Classes for the Dumb Asses like You) classes. You’re the Olympic Silver Medalist for having the second most Vulgar, Tawdry, Meretricious, Ghetto Truck Driver, Detestable, Repugnant, Ignominious, Disgraceful, Opprobrious, Scabrous, Lascivious, Odious and last but Not least, Trashy, Fvcken MOUTH, known to Humankind!!! Everything that comes out of your Mouth is Fvcken This, Fvcken That, MotherFvcken This, and MotherFvcken That!!! LOL!!!
      Ermenia Sellecchia – Just like Francesca Infantino Oppedisano, You have been, still are and always will be a Fat Sack of Sebaceous, Ignorant, Insular, Provincial White Trash / White Ghetto Shit!!!
    You suddenly and mysteriously exclaimed that you were or had a debilitating and serious illness and couldn’t attend “School”, when in Fact, all you wanted to do was SIT your 275 lbs. Fat Ass at Home and Play Hooky.
      You actually just Dropped Out of High “School” altogether, without actually stating that you wanted to drop out of High “School” altogether by LYING about your imaginary “illnesses”. You couldn’t and can’t take the “rigors” of even the sub-par mediocre or even Non-honours, third tier / Section 3 (the Sections / Classes for the Dumb Asses like You) classes.

· Cristina Rial-Twat Nickas (because You’re a Real-Twat. (Apposite Eponyms) You “Think” from between Your Legs. This is Your “Brain” on CRACK-DRUGS. LOL!!!) CHRISTINA NICKAS TWAT NICKAS CRISTINA RIAL TWAT NICKAS– Miss Two-Faced Duplicitous Back-Stabbing Bitch Snake Psychotic Supercilious, Sexually Promiscuous, Mean-Spirited, Sycophant (wanna-be) Prom Queen – just like in the movie, Young Adult. (More Like, Queen SKANK HO)

For sweetest things turn sourest by their deeds;
Lilies that fester smell far worse than weeds.
(Take a wild guess as to who said this. Wait for it……….–William Shakespeare). LOL!!!

It’s probably better to have a Vulgar, Scabrous, Lascivious, etc. Mouth like Darlene Donofrio and Francesca Infantino, instead of Cristina Rial’s Putrefied, Disease-Infested, Decrepit Anathema AIDS,

Sexually Promiscuous, Meretricious VD, STD-Infested Pussy-Twat. Cristina Rial’s Putrefied, Disease-Infested, Decrepit Anathema AIDS, VD and STD-Infested Pussy-Twat is Dangerous and can actually kill people and transfer all of her Diseases.

This is most likely the main reason if not the only reason why she married her husband James Nickas who’s 30 years her senior because No man younger Or in their right mind would want her Putrefied, Disease-Infested, Meretricious, Decrepit Bête Noire AIDS, VD, STD-Infested Pussy-Twat (LOL!!!) – For the free drugs, pharmaceuticals and medication, until he had to genuflect and yield to Roche after Roche acquired Genentech. LOL!!!

Cristina SUCCUBUS-Rial Nickas Skank HO Churlish Boor Meretricious Megalomaniac CHRISTINA NICKAS TWAT NICKAS CRISTINA RIAL TWAT NICKAS - even has the audacity, portentousness, ostentatiousness and arrogance to strip naked and walk around Butt-naked in the Fvcken “School”!!!   And the Dumb Scabrous, Licentious, Lascivious Exhibitionist Pussy-Twat thought she was being surreptitious enough while she picked her Pussy-Twat in the Senior-Section, in the back of the “school” Cafeteria. LOL!!! No Bitch HO, it wasn’t private or hidden enough so that no one can see or know what the Fvck you were doing.

Cristina SUCCUBUS-Rial Nickas Skank HO Churlish Boor Meretricious Megalomaniac (and Maria Elena Rial Zagorski - Oracle) CHRISTINA NICKAS TWAT NICKAS CRISTINA RIAL TWAT NICKAS - has the most Vulgar, Tawdry, Meretricious, Detestable, Repugnant, Ignominious, Disgraceful, Opprobrious, Scabrous, Lascivious, Odious, Putrefied, Decrepit, Licentious, Lecherous, Iniquitous, Supine, Portentous and last but Not least, Trashy Pussy-Twat in the History of Prostitution and Humankind!!! The Twat-Faced Succubus Nymphomaniac was born with her legs spread Eagle. LOL!!!

You Prostituted, Sold yourself and Fvcked any and every Bishop Ford High School / BFCCHS “Teacher” and student who consented to your iniquitous and opprobrious advances in exchange for a “good grade”. You give a Whole New and 
Refreshing Meaning to the Term, “Easy A”. It’s a Fvcken Scientific Miracle You’re Not dead yet from all of Your AIDS, VD and other STDs. You should be placed in a Beaker or Glass Cage Laboratory where Scientists can conduct experiments on You.

Even the Guidance Counselor, Sister What’s-Her-Face (Sister Colleen Colbert, O.P. - The Dumb Bitch with her permanent Fake Joker smile as if she fell in a VAT of ACID and her Fake Smile was Cemented on her Plastic Face Permanently was Incompetent, Naive, Inexperienced and a Polyanna. This is all despite the fact that she "worked" if you can call it that, at Bishop Madoff High School for 25 years.)  Admonished and scolded you in front of the entire guidance class that she holds once per month, for sleeping around and being a Fvcken Prostitute!!! LOL!!!

Cristina SUCCUBUS Skank HO-Rial Nickas has chosen the Shortest and Most Expeditious Road to Perdition and Moral Turpitude. It’s also a Fvcken Miracle you haven’t been Raped yet (or maybe You already have been because You deserve to be Raped). CHRISTINA NICKAS TWAT NICKAS CRISTINA RIAL TWAT NICKAS

· Elizabeth Rollo - Weaver  (Alyssa Weaver (West Chester University – Kennett Square, Pennsylvania, JEFFREY WEAVER - TEMPLE UNIVERSITY) looks like your Doppelganger and macabre as it is, You Probably Raised Her to Be Exactly Like YOU) - Miss Two-Faced Duplicitous Back-Stabbing Bitch Snake Psychotic Supercilious, Mean-Spirited, Megalomaniac, Sycophant (wanna-be) Prom Queen, Jr.  ELIZABETH ROLLO WEAVER – GREENWOOD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL – KENNETT SQUARE PENNSYLVANIA CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL DISTRICT
    – Just like in the movie, Young Adult - Miss (wanna-be) America. LOL!!! Miss Two-Faced Duplicitous Back-Stabbing Bitch Snake Psychotic Supercilious, Mean-Spirited, Megalomaniac, Sycophant Strutted around the “School” with an exaggerated sense of Self-Importance, Head and Ass Stuck High in the Air and thought she owned the Fvcken “School”. In a way, the Bitch did. LOL!!!

· And then there are those who foolishly, haughtily strutted around, clarioned and promulgated that they’re going to / attending “medical school”.
     DO schools (lower admissions “standards” only one step away from a Caribbean medical “schools”- LOL!!!) are Not medical schools, and in fact journalists, professional publications and other media sources emphasize the distinction between medical doctors and DO’s.

At least the ones who attended or are attending the University of Phoenix know that UP is Not a real school and that just like other For-Profit “Colleges” and Degree-Diploma Factories/Mills (DeVry, Keller, Bramsonort, Apex Tech, Katherine Gibbs/Gibbs School of Business, etc. - that Dole Out Specious “Life Credits” in place of hard-earned academic letter-grade credits

– Basically if You Have a Pulse, Or Even If You Are Dead, You’ll be Given “Credits” and be at Least Half-Way to Getting Your Bogus “Degree” from the For-profit “Colleges” and Degree-Diploma Factories/Mills), 75%-90% of UP “graduates” default on their student loans, constitute at least 50% of the Overall / Total student loan defaults in the United States AND are unable to find “jobs” for which UP supposedly prepared them.

LOL!!! Only a fool, idiot and cretin (like Daniel-Mary Kaye Letourneau Pisselli-Boorish Megalomaniac (Egotistical Maniacal Windbag)) would choose a D.O. (what the Fvck is that anyway?) over an MD if they had a choice. Medicare, Medicare Fraud and Student Loans are the Next Bubbles for the Next Great Recessions/Depressions – which will occur in a few years, sooner rather than later.

· Joel Nazareno - another (By) Product of Bishop Ford Central Catholic High School / Bishop Ford High School. Joel Nazareno, was convicted of embezzling $37 Million from his clients, most of whom lost their pensions and entire life’s savings. He was sentenced to 5 years in prison with a mandatory 3 years of probation and supervision. 
     Nazareno was barred by the SEC and FINRA from ever working in the securities industry again.

Worse yet, Nazareno is at it again with another Mini-Madoff scheme, at his new venture, Genesis Capital Enterprises!!! Apparently, BFCCHS is a haven and breeding ground for mini-Madoffs, moral turpitude, corruption, bribery, prostitution, cronyism, endemic and systemic dysfunction, teenage pregnancies out-of-wedlock, child rapists, prostitution and pedophiles alike!!!

The “school” (IF you can call it that!) should be appositely renamed, Bishop Madoff CCHS. Joel is the original Mini-Me, Mini-Madoff. The completely Bald “Head” is a Nice Innate touch, though.

· Laura Allen Schneider, Roseanne DiMassa, Patricia Raffaniello and Maria Agosto - Allen - Two-Faced Duplicitous, Mean-Spirited, Back-Stabbing Snakes - How the Hell and Fvck can you play Volleyball or any sport for that matter!!!??? You’re too Fvcken Fat and need to lose at least 200 pounds, especially since Laura Allen Schneider, Roseanne DiMassa and Patricia Raffaniello are Fat Sacks of Sebaceous Sh!t.
      When will you realize that your constant and continuous “Dieting” are futile, and that You simply need to Cheat and get the Fvcken Liposuction or Gastric By-Pass Surgery Done Already???!!! LOL!!!

· Roseanne DiMassa – similar to Fran Infantino and Ermenia Sellecchia, you were Left-Behind One Grade because you’re a mentally challenged Fat Sack of Sebaceous Sh!t. LOL!!! But worse yet, you wereN’T even accepted/admitted into Bishop Madoff Central Catholic High School.
     You just all of a sudden showed up at the Registrar’s Office, paid the Tuition, and registered for classes. And because the administrators at Bishop Madoff High School are Daft, Oblivious Cretins and Dunces, they just simply took your Tuition Check/Payment and processed your class registration form, WithOut Checking and Confirming if You’ve actually been accepted/admitted into the Fvcken “School”. LOL!!!

· And then there are those who are naïve Pollyannas who actually think that BFCCHS is the exception to the fact that “High School” in general, is Not the avatar of fond or good memories. In fact, the second the students get their final transcripts and Diplomas, they yell, “Yippie Kayay Mother Fvckers”, in the spirit of John McClane/Bruce Willis.

99% of them don’t want to have anything further to do with Bishop Madoff CCHS for the rest of their lives, Fore Fvcken Ever!!! They said GoodBye a long, long, long, long, long time ago. LOL!!!
BFCCHS cannot seem to comprehend the fact that “High School” in general, is Not the avatar of fond or good memories. 

This is one reason why 99% of Bishop Madoff CCHS’s alumni do NOT donate even one Fvcking penny to the “School” or attend BFCCHS events. Hell, both BFCCHS’s students and alumni actually cheer and hope that it goes Bankrupt and Closes Down, just like Nazareth Regional High School !!! LOL!!!
     And then there are those who, through familial connections (i.e. parents, even fathers-in-law (who are Not blood relatives)) managed to worm and inveigle themselves into the Ivies, Not because of their intelligence and/or abilities, or Rather Lack thereof.

· Nelson Tung, David Chen and Peter Tsilimparis - Why the Flying Fvck would you associate yourself with Bishop Madoff Central Catholic High “School” in any capacity whatsoever, when its Xenophobic, Pernicious, Anti-Semitic By-Products Quintessential Plebeian White Trash / White Ghetto / Jersey Shore Trailer Park Trash stated, promulgated, clarioned, excoriated and exhibited Bigotry and Racial Slurs towards You, because You’re Not one of them, Ignorant Jersey Shore White Trailer Park Trash / White Ghetto ???

It simply, absolutely makes No Mother Fvcken Sense or Logic ?!!! They treated You as SubHuman. And to think that Folklore has it that the Greeks are logical (and hard-working). But then, Aye, there’s the rub (Hamlet). That may be just Urban Myth(ology). LOL!!!

Greece declared Bankruptcy partly because it’s Pension System and Policies permit its people to retire with Full Pensions and Complete Medical Insurance at the antediluvian, octogenarian Age of 45, with persons who are or were in “dangerous” professions (i.e. hairdressers-due to all the HairSpray and hair dyes/chemicals, etc. LOL! Duh! It’s Not Mining!) collecting supplemental pensions because of the “dangerousness” of their “professions”.

These “Policies” are one way to Bankrupt a Nation, and lead to the Second-Most Shortest and Expeditious Road to Perdition, second Only to Cristina SUCCUBUS Rial Nickas (and Maria Elena Rial Zagorski – Birds of a Feather)  Skank HO Churlish Boor Meretricious Megalomaniac’s Putrefied, Disease-Infested, Decrepit Anathema AIDS, Sexually Promiscuous VD, STD-Infested Pussy-Twat Road to Perdition and Moral Turpitude.
These “Policies” are neither logical and sensible, Nor sustainable 

(just like the Public and Government workers in the United States are permitted to retire with Full Pensions at the octogenarian Ages of 55 or 60: With public workers eligible to retire at 55 or 60, governments look to boost retirement ages, By Don Thompson, Associated Press | AP – Mon, Dec 12, 2011 12:12 PM EST)
     Eurydice Butkovitch, Germaine Marzouka - Why the Flying Fvck would you associate yourself with Bishop Madoff Central Catholic High “School” in any capacity whatsoever, when its Xenophobic, Pernicious, Anti-Semitic By-Products Quintessential Plebeian White Trash / White Ghetto / Jersey Shore Trailer Park Trash stated, promulgated, clarioned, excoriated and exhibited Bigotry and Racial Slurs towards You, because You’re Not one of them, Ignorant Jersey Shore White Trailer Park Trash / White Ghetto ??? It simply, absolutely makes No Mother Fvcken Sense or Logic ?!!! They treated You as SubHuman, as well as Derided your “Unique”, Ethnic-Sounding names.

· Kenneth Chiusano - Hello??!! Your opinion isN’T always the right one! You’re an English “teacher” (Maybe). You’re supposed to inspire creativity, uniqueness, and provide a learning environment that encourages and nurtures insight as well as alternative perspectives. Just like Bishop Madoff Central Catholic High School, your “teaching” (IF you can call it that) is a tragedy, travesty and tragicomedy ( 

o If Samuel Beckett were alive today, he would have already written a play about Bishop Madoff Central Catholic High School; Bishop Madoff Central Catholic High School: Tragedy, Farce, Pariah, Lather, Rinse, Repeat.
      Do yourself a favor before Bishop Madoff CCHS’ imminent bankruptcy and closure, find another profession. Perhaps law? Maybe Not. You often fail to construct and present convincing arguments in favor of your position and premises. Consequently, how the HELL are you going to convince a judge, jury or arbiter with your bromidic, sententious and polemic arguments filled with ennui ??? 
     Moreover, your broken record song [sic], "College isn't for everyone and people shouldn't be expected or forced to go to college just because society expects you to do so.  People and Society practically spit on other People who don't or didn't attend an Ivy League School.  They practically curse, say F-You to the latter."
     But at the same time, Kenneth and Mary ( Scavuzzo ) Chiusano must have done something right, and must know what and how to teach.  Against all odds, without being wealthy or politically well-connected, THEY Actually were able to mold Both of their 2 Sons in such a way that enabled their 2 Sons to gain admission to Harvard ( Mark Chiusano ) and Cornell ( Scott Chiusano ).  
     But then again, you actually Do have a better chance of finding another job or profession (whatever that may be), compared to Thug, “Tough Guy” Churlish Boorish Megalomaniac Dan Mary Kaye Letourneau-Pisselli-Piselli-Level One Sex Offender (Egotistical Maniacal Windbag). 

o Dan Pisselli Piselli  can’t even do basic Math, let alone “teach” it with his Cretin Blastocyte Neanderthal “brain” (Oops! But that’s an insult to Neanderthals.), and couldn’t find another job or profession if his microscopic genitals depended on it!!! LOL!!! He’s been “working” at Bishop Madoff CCHS for over 37 years, since NO other school would hire him. LOL!!! 

o Any other school, Catholic or non-parochial, would have fired Dan Pisselli 37 years ago!!! He will be kissing McDonalds Restaurants’ and Kmart’s asses and be grateful that they will actually give him jobs, after Bishop Madoff CCHS goes bankrupt and closes down (he’ll need to work in at least 2 jobs in order to get off of Welfare).

Imagine, getting all of this Management Consulting Advice for FREE without an 8-Figure Fee from McKinsey, AT Kearney, Bain Capital or Booz Allen Hamilton. It’s too bad BFCCHS’s oblivious, comatose, inept and feckless Board of Trustees and Board of Directors have been in hibernation since the beginning of time and haven’t figured all this out. LOL!!! 

And Remember, Like “Minds” think and Group Think alike.
But Alas, a page from the play book of Juanito (Jay) Rodriguez of JPMorgan Chase  was borrowed (See Below) – Bishop Madoff Central Catholic High School - What a Pariah, Circus, Freak Show, Insular, Boorish, Churlish, Provincial Motley Crew LOL!!!

After Years and Decades, Bishop Madoff Central Catholic High “School” hasN’T changed One Fvcken Bit !!!

It’s Apparently Still The Same Ol’ Bishop Madoff Central Catholic High “School” according to the Reviews and Comments on the Internet (You can just Google ‘Bishop Ford High School Reviews’ or ‘Bishop Ford High School Comment’), as well as the Media/News Reports. So Sad and So Pathetic !!!
Bishop Madoff Central Catholic High School –

· What a Pariah, Circus, Freak Show, Insular, Boorish, Churlish, Provincial Ignorant Motley Crew By-Products of a “Top-Notch Catholic “Education” ” Quintessential Plebeian White Trash Ghetto Trailer Park Trash Haven and Breeding Ground for Mini-Madoffs, Moral Turpitude, Corruption, Bribery, Prostitution, Meretricious Skank HOES, Iniquity, Cronyism, Endemic and Systemic Dysfunction, Teenage Pregnancies Out-of-Wedlock, Child Rapists and Pedophiles alike !!! So Much to be Proud of. LOL !!!

Mr. Abramson, Mr. O’Keeffe, and Ms. Thompson, Due to the Aforementioned, NO One, NOT even Bishop Madoff Central Catholic High “School’s” Own Students and Alumni would Recommend each other for JOBS, NOR would they Even Patronize the Businesses and Restaurants of the Students and Alumni. LOL !!!

Posted October 25, 2008

There are some good teachers, but the rest are under qualified. If you are an above average student, then you will be put at a disadvantage by the course selections they offer. Also, their sports program is so over funded it’s ridiculous; students will find themselves often saying 'at least the gym is nice'

I'm a senior currently in this school and I have to say that over all the teaching was crap, and most teachers can’t even tell you why their subject is important. I wish deep in my heart that I had transferred out of this school when I had the chance, because I was caught in what me and some of my friends call the 'bishop ford matrix' meaning that we thought our achievements made in this school can even measure up to the ones made by students in other schools...we obviously thought wrong. stay away from BFCCHS.
—Submitted by a student

Posted May 22, 2008

Any above average student should stay far away from this school. Bishop Ford is a very mediocre school and is put at a huge disadvantage due to not offering any AP classes. The school itself is far behind many others academically. I am an above average student, and I was never challenged intellectually at Bishop Ford. Most teachers and guidance counselors are inexperienced. The students are, for the most part, 'ghetto' (not meant to be derogatory).

The student body, while diverse, is heavily segregated (but most high schools are like this). A public high school offering AP classes that is decently safe would be a better choice, and it is free. In the end, I feel this school did not prepare me or my fellow classmates well for College, and a lack of AP classes disadvantaged many higher achievers.
—Submitted by a student

2. smackitupNflipit says:

I had Piselli for math as well at some point during my four-year black hole journey at Ford (I’ve since flushed my memory). Pretty sure I went to summer school for him too. And yes, I had heard about the student affair thing too. Disgusting, to say the least. Any school with a modicum of decency would’ve fired him so fast his head would’ve spun. But not Bishop Ford.

burmeseday00 says:

I have been involved in Venture Capital and Finance for 13 years and couldn’t even get an interview with them… I guess I scored too well on my SAT and had some integrity. …

Are you asked by people who know that school about the teacher that married a student too? I cannot believe how everyone knows about Pisselli having an affair with his student…. Another good advertisement in addition to the “so many white people”

3 months ago

"so many white people"
I'll be sure to send a donation to the alumni association. The place was a toilet
 20 years ago, what the hell is it now? Open Sewer?

burmeseday00 3 months ago

3 months ago

Have anymore teachers like Piselli knocked up anymore students? Every time I run into people from Brooklyn they all know about Piselli having an affair with his 16-year-old student.. Tell the Alumni association that it was a great idea announcing putting the birth of Piselli's kid with his former student in the newsletter (Vanissa Huaylinos-Pisselli ‘92 Dan Pisselli ‘74 (Piselli) Mateo 2010 Halloween costume)!

3 months ago

I had Piselli for math as well at some point during my four-year black hole journey at Ford (I've since flushed my memory). Pretty sure I went to summer school for him too. And yes, I had heard about the student affair thing too. Disgusting, to say the least. Any school with a modicum of decency would've fired him so fast his head would've spun. But not Bishop Ford.

Posted October 25, 2008

There are some good teachers, but the rest are under qualified. If you are an above average student, then you will be put at a disadvantage by the course selections they offer. Also, their sports program is so over funded it’s ridiculous; students will find themselves often saying 'at least the gym is nice' I'm a senior currently in this school and I have to say that over all the teaching was crap, and most teachers can’t even tell you why their subject is important.

I wish deep in my heart that I had transferred out of this school when I had the chance, because I was caught in what me and some of my friends call the 'bishop ford matrix' meaning that we thought our achievements made in this school can even measure up to the ones made by students in other schools...we obviously thought wrong. stay away from BFCCHS.
—Submitted by a student

Posted May 22, 2008

Any above average student should stay far away from this school. Bishop Ford is a very mediocre school and is put at a huge disadvantage due to not offering any AP classes. The school itself is far behind many others academically. I am an above average student, and I was never challenged intellectually at Bishop Ford.

Most teachers and guidance counselors are inexperienced. The students are, for the most part, 'ghetto' (not meant to be derogatory). The student body, while diverse, heavily segregated (but most high schools are like this). A public high school offering AP classes that is decently safe would be a better choice, and it is free. In the end, I feel this school did not prepare me or my fellow classmates well for College, and a lack of AP classes disadvantaged many higher achievers.
—Submitted by a student

Bishop Ford Central Catholic High pays $53,000 to settle lawsuit involving former coach Ray Nash



Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Bishop Ford Central Catholic High agreed last week to pay $53,000 to settle a lawsuit filed by a prominent sports memorabilia auction house that claimed the Brooklyn school interfered with its attempts to collect a judgment from rapper-turned-historian Peter J. Nash.

The lawsuit, filed by Robert Edward Auctions in New Jersey Superior Court last June, accused Bishop Ford officials of trying to cover up the fact that school president and former basketball coach Ray Nash - Peter Nash's father - wrongfully took more than $52,000 from school funds to prevent a bank from foreclosing on his son's upstate home.

The school discovered during a 2008 audit that Ray Nash had taken $52,551 in school funds in 2007 to hold off foreclosure of his son's home. Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes declined to prosecute Ray Nash, saying there was no evidence of criminal intent.

Peter J. Nash was a hip-hop star in the early 1990s, when his group 3rd Bass was a fixture on MTV and when his music career fizzled, he became a well-respected baseball historian and memorabilia dealer. But according to court documents and former associates, he has spent much of the past decade dodging creditors and tax collectors, engaged in a never-ending series of legal and financial battles. Sources say FBI agents investigating the alleged theft of baseball documents from the New York Public Library and counterfeit memorabilia have questioned collectors and industry executives about the former hip-hop artist. Ads by Google

June 14, 2010 4:44 PM

By Michael O'Keeffe

A civil war erupted at Bishop Ford Central Catholic High after the Daily News reported that school president Ray Nash took more than $50,000 from a development fund in 2007 to stop a bank from foreclosing on his son Peter's Cooperstown home.

Some Bishop Ford alumni are calling for Ray Nash to step down have circulated a letter on a Facebook page demanding the school president's resignation.

Here's a post from one man who identifies himself as Spencer Colgan, class of 1985: "Dear Mr. Raymond Nash, because of your poor judgment, your apparent lack of integrity, your reckless disregard for the caretaking of the hard-earned monies entrusted to you, I implore you to do what is in the best interests of the Bishop Ford community, students, alumni, and benefactors: STEP DOWN!"

A woman named Geri Cregg posted this comment: "While this may not be Mr. Nash's best decision, he is a great man and has done an immeasurable amount of good for Bishop Ford. I am proud to know him and will always stand by him."

Peter Nash is a former hip-hop artist - his band 3rd Bass was an MTV staple in the early 1990s - who became a sports memorabilia expert and baseball historian after his music career fizzled. According to court documents and former associates, he has spent much of the past decade dodging creditors and tax collectors, engaged in a never-ending series of legal and financial battles.

As the Daily News reported in April, Robert Edward Auctions won a $760,000 legal judgment against Nash last year, and REA president Rob Lifson says his efforts to identify Nash's assets have produced ample evidence that Nash conspired with his father to take more than $50,000 from the Bishop Ford development fund in March 2007 to stop a bank from foreclosing on Peter's Cooperstown home. REA sued Bishop Ford last week, claiming that the school interfered in its efforts to collect its judgment from Peter Nash.

25 Responses to Bishop Ford Central Catholic High School Class of 1992 part 1 of 2

3. burmeseday00 says:

HOW OTHER STATES DEAL WITH BASKETBALL COACHES WHO SEDUCE UNDERAGE WARDS: (HINT-They don’t announce the birth of the children they father in the newsletter)

Former high school hoops coach pleads guilty to having sex with students; fathered child with one could get more than 20 years in prison.

Omar Curry, 32, who also taught social studies at Belleview High School in northern Florida, was arrested in 2009 after he was accused of having sex with a 15-year-old girl in a school locker room.

4. burmeseday00 says:

HS baseball suit
Coach maimed teen’s face: mom
Last Updated: 6:46 AM, January 10, 2011
Posted: 2:41 AM, January 10, 2011
Comments: 0

More Print
A coach at Brooklyn’s Bishop Ford HS intentionally fired a baseball at a player’s head, mangling the teen’s face fracturing his eye socket and cheekbone, crushing his sinus cavity and leaving him with his right eye drooping and no feeling in 12 of his teeth, the teen said.

NY Post 1/10/11

5. burmeseday00 says:

I Love L.A.
01/10/2011 7:54 AM
No mention of criminal charges against this coach? I guess the authorities just figure this is typical behavior in that part of the country. What a hell-hole NYC must be, like a zoo with no fences or cages, filled with absolutely filthy, disgusting animals. I hope this student can do well in school and move as far away from NYC as possible and live a happy life in a nicer place after he graduates. God bless him and his family.

6. burmeseday00 says:

When Mallette’s turn came, Russell pegged him in his right eye, fracturing his eye socket and cheekbone, crushing his sinus cavity and leaving him with his right eye drooping and no feeling in 12 of his teeth, the teen said.

7. burmeseday00 says:

Assistant coach Dharyl Russell was intent on “terrorizing” Christopher Mallette, then 17, “beyond all reasonable bounds of decency,” the suit says.
In March, Russell was running a session inside the school’s gym teaching the players to catch a fading line drive, Mallette said.

8. burmeseday00 says:

HS baseball suit
Coach maimed teen’s face: mom
Posted: 2:41 AM, January 10, 2011

A coach at Brooklyn’s Bishop Ford HS intentionally fired a baseball at a player’s head, mangling the teen’s face and turning him off the game for life, a new lawsuit alleges.
Worse, the teen’s mom said, the coach allegedly told him to “suck it up” and then sent the player home in a taxi despite massive injuries that required surgery to insert three metal plates in his face.

9. SuperPhoenix3000 says:

i wasn’t even born then

10. burmeseday00 says:

Bishop Ford HS coach Ray Nash dragged into ugly legal battle involving loan to son, Peter J. NashDAILY NEWS SPORTS WRITER
Saturday, April 24th 2010, 9:20 PM
Nash conspired with his father to take more than $50,000 from the Bishop Ford development fund in March 2007 to stop a bank from foreclosing on Peter’s Cooperstown home.

“This is a violation of all the people who contributed money to Bishop Ford’s development fund, and it could violate the school’s tax-exempt status,”

11. msspecialone says:

People still complain about Pisselli now. I had him senior year like 2 years ago. Other than his ” you guys won’t make it in college so you should just drop out and work at McDonald’s” speech, he wasn’t that bad to me.

12. burmeseday00 says:


Ex-teacher sentenced on student sex charge
A former teacher and coach at Monroe High School will have to wear an electronic monitoring device for at least 10 years, after pleading guilty to sexual offenses with a student, Union County authorities said Tuesday.
Ollie Van Shepherd Jr., 32, of Wingate, pleaded guilty Monday to one count of sexual act with a student and one count of indecent liberties with a student.

13. burmeseday00 says:

“They were all taken care of,” she says. “They went to school. They all got good grades. I have their report cards from St. Athanasius and BISHOP FORD.
“Still. when I get up in the morning I ask myself. ‘God, what have I done wrong?’”

14. burmeseday00 says:

1992: Mancusi’s son Steven. found dead in a car trunk at Avenue O and W Seventh St.
1993: Daughter Diana. a drug addict, fatally shot by an off-duty cop, who has been charged with murder.
1994: Son John. convicted of burglary, lingering with AIDS in an upstate prison.

Mancusi herself still looks for a reason. Wonders whether she should have worked part-time. “But my kids always stayed with my mother, I didn’t go to Aruba or buy furs, everything I worked for is here in this house.

15. burmeseday00 says:

Hard luck lives here
by Amy Pagnozzi
NY Daily News
You look for the sign that something’s wrong in the home.
Anne Mancusi’s house in Bensonhurst is clean and well -tended. The cupboards are full. The bill box is empty. The grandchildren Danielle and Michael play in the above-ground pool urn her tiny backyard.
Still. you figure something must be wrong somewhere to explain the last few years.

16. burmeseday00 says:

There was a story by Amy Pagnozzi in the NY Daily News around 1993 titled: Hard Luck Lives Here. The story was about a woman who had three kids, one was found murdered in the trunk of a car, one had AIDS and the last was serving a long prison sentence. The mother couldn’t understand it, they all got “good grades in Bishop Ford”.

I saved that article and put it at the back of the 1992 yearbook I uploaded to Scribd

17. smackitupNflipit says:

It’s not you. He’s a mental midget, like 98% of the other Ford faculty was (and undoubtedly still is). Thanks to Ford, I also grew to hate math with a passion. Years later, at Hunter College, I got an “A” in every math and logic class I took, and came to love it, thanks to wonderful and inspiring professors. Nowadays, I work through logic textbooks in my spare time. But again, apparently Bishop Ford saw less in me than even I saw in myself at the time. What can I ever do to repay them?

18. burmeseday00 says:

I knew that girl since third grade. Had she been my daughter, Mr. Blackbelt tough guy would have been filling a shallow hole out in the weeds somewhere. Ford puts it out in the Alumni Newsletter announcements that he had a kid with his student!??? Is it me??

He made me hate math, made me avoid it in college and feel sick every time I see anything related to advanced math. Kind of put a dent in my having a career in science and medicine as I wanted… How many other dreams did he ruin?

19. smackitupNflipit says:

I had Piselli for math as well at some point during my four-year black hole journey at Ford (I’ve since flushed my memory). Pretty sure I went to summer school for him too. And yes, I had heard about the student affair thing too. Disgusting, to say the least. Any school with a modicum of decency would’ve fired him so fast his head would’ve spun. But not Bishop Ford.

20. burmeseday00 says:

Simonetti died huh? The last day of school he actually called me over to tell me that I had never belonged in that school and knew that I would do well in college.

Simonetti, Mr. Chiusano, Dr. Defina, Mrs. Cavanagh, and a handful of others were good people but their task was hopeless.

As for future plumbers, that would take skill, even a janitor has to have a bit of skill….. I am guessing more along the lines of TWU Workers and SEIU members, thugs who perform no useful work while extorting.

21. burmeseday00 says:

My mother was dying of Cancer, by Christmas it had become hopeless and I began missing classes because of it. If you miss a single class of pre-calculus you are lost, try a month.

I used to beg that pedophile for help when I was in school. Every time he would tell me to come up to the teachers’ lounge and he never showed. He did manage to find time to hit on every 16 year old girl in a tight skirt though.

After, burying my mother in March, that bastard even sent me to summer school.

22. burmeseday00 says:

Jesus, I thought I was the only one to suffer the Ford dementia. I was in the 98th percentile on the standardized tests prior to coming to that place and that was while I was getting kicked out of two middle schools for being a pain in the ass.

I had a Time Magazine subscription since I was nine, was reading Scientific American since I was six… in Junior year we were doing Phonics… PHONICS.

I will always have a special hatred for Piselli, I was in his Pre Calculus class senior year..

23. smackitupNflipit says:

There were a handful of teachers at Ford who I still look back fondly on–Mr. Simonetti (RIP), Ms. Curtin, Dr. Stephen.. But they were by far the exceptions. As for the rest of the “faculty,” they were only marginally less retarded than the student body. The whole place is basically a diploma mill for the future plumbers, private sanitation workers and janitors of tomorrow (nothing against those professions, but you catch my drift). It truly amazes me that I was able to recoup from there.

24. smackitupNflipit says:

I’m now a corporate attorney. I went into Bishop Ford having scored in the top percentile of every standardized test I ever took. By the time I ‘graduated,’ I had spent three summers in summer school and carried a C average. All motivation and ambition had been drained from me.

I remember a Spanish teacher at Ford refusing to recommend me for Honors Spanish. Nowadays I read and write Spanish and Japanese fluently. But apparently I wasn’t good enough to sit next to Joey Boombotz at Ford.

25. smackitupNflipit says:

I know a family who had four children. One went to Murrow, and the other three went to Bishop Ford. Three turned out dysfunctional; only one turned out alright–care to guess who?

Luckily for me, the military was able to straighten me out. Otherwise who knows where the hell I’d be. Probably a coked-out ex-con like so many of my former classmates.

26. burmeseday00 says:

I have been involved in Venture Capital and Finance for 13 years and couldn’t even get an interview with them… I guess I scored too well on my SAT and had some integrity. …

Are you asked by people who know that school about the teacher that married a student too? I cannot believe how everyone knows about Pisselli having an affair with his student…. Another good advertisement in addition to the “so many white people”

27. burmeseday00 says:

Ivy League? Ha.. more like jailhouse league.

It took me a year in college just to realize what a terrible disadvantage that school put me in. Imagine my surprise when I was expected to write long essays defending positions when our teachers would give As if you were close to the right answer.

Ehh. but what good is education in this country now? I know one of the illiterati I was friends with who scored a 750 on his SAT, was a thief and a snake works for Chase for the last 10 years…..

All Comments (27)

2 months ago

People still complain about Pisselli now. I had him senior year like 2 years ago. Other than his " you guys won't make it in college so you should just drop out and work at McDonald's" speech, he wasn't that bad to me.

msspecialone 2 months ago

1 month ago

Bishop Ford HS coach Ray Nash dragged into ugly legal battle involving loan to son, Peter J. NashDAILY NEWS SPORTS WRITER
Saturday, April 24th 2010, 9:20 PM
Nash conspired with his father to take more than $50,000 from the Bishop Ford development fund in March 2007 to stop a bank from foreclosing on Peter's Cooperstown home.

"This is a violation of all the people who contributed money to Bishop Ford's development fund, and it could violate the school's tax-exempt status,"

burmeseday00 1 month ago

3 months ago


Ex-teacher sentenced on student sex charge
A former teacher and coach at Monroe High School will have to wear an electronic monitoring device for at least 10 years, after pleading guilty to sexual offenses with a
 student, Union County authorities said Tuesday.
Ollie Van Shepherd Jr., 32, of Wingate, pleaded guilty Monday to one count of sexual act with a student and one count of indecent liberties with a student.

burmeseday00 3 months ago

3 months ago

Hard luck lives here
by Amy Pagnozzi
NY Daily News
You look for the sign that something's wrong in the home.
Anne Mancusi's house in Bensonhurst is
 clean and well -tended. The cupboards are full. The bill box is empty. The grandchildren Danielle and Michael play in the above-ground pool urn her tiny backyard.
Still. you figure something must be wrong somewhere to explain the last few years.

burmeseday00 3 months ago

3 months ago

1992: Mancusi's son Steven. found dead in a car trunk at Avenue O and W Seventh St .
1993: Daughter Diana. a drug addict, fatally shot
 by an off-duty cop, who has been charged with murder.
1994: Son John. convicted of burglary, lingering with AIDS in an upstate prison.

Mancusi herself still looks for a reason. Wonders whether she should have worked part-time. "But my kids always stayed with my mother, I didn't go to Aruba or buy furs, everything I worked for is here in this house.

burmeseday00 3 months ago

3 months ago

"They were all taken care of," she says. "They went to school. They all got good grades. I have their report cards from St. Athanasius and BISHOP FORD.
"Still. when I get up in the morning I ask myself. 'God, what have I done wrong?'"

burmeseday00 3 months ago

3 months ago

There were a handful of teachers at Ford who I still look back fondly on--Mr. Simonetti (RIP), Ms. Curtin, Dr. Stephen.. But they were by far the exceptions. As for the rest of the "faculty," they were only marginally less retarded than the student body. The whole place is basically a diploma mill for the future plumbers, private sanitation workers and janitors of tomorrow (nothing against those professions, but you catch my drift). It truly amazes me that I was able to recoup from there.

smackitupNflipit 3 months ago

3 months ago

Simonetti died huh? The last day of school he actually called me over to tell me that I had never belonged in that school and knew that I would do well in college.

Simonetti, Mr. Chiusano, Dr. Define, Mrs. Cavanagh, and a handful of others were good people but their task was hopeless.

As for future plumbers, that would take skill, even a janitor has to have a bit of
 skill..... I am guessing more along the lines of TWU Workers and SEIU members, thugs who perform no useful work while extorting.

burmeseday00 3 months ago

3 months ago

I know a family who had four children. One went to Murrow, and the other three went to Bishop Ford. Three turned out dysfunctional; only one turned out alright--care to guess who?

Luckily for me, the military was able to straighten me out. Otherwise who knows where the hell I'd be. Probably a coked-out ex-con like so many of my former classmates.

smackitupNflipit 3 months ago

3 months ago

There was a story by Amy Pagnozzi in the NY Daily News around 1993 titled: Hard Luck Lives Here. The story was about a woman who had three kids, one was found murdered in the trunk of a car, one had AIDS and the last was serving a long prison sentence. The mother couldn't understand it, they all got "good grades in Bishop Ford".

I saved that article and put it at the back of the 1992 yearbook I
 uploaded to Scribd

burmeseday00 3 months ago

3 months ago

Comment removed

3 months ago

"so many white people"
I'll be sure to send a donation to the alumni association. The place was a toilet
 20 years ago, what the hell is it now? Open Sewer?

burmeseday00 3 months ago

3 months ago

Have any more teachers like Piselli knocked up anymore students? Every time I run into people from Brooklyn they all know about Piselli having an affair with his 16-year-old student.. Tell the Alumni association that it was a great idea announcing putting the birth of Piselli's kid with his former student in the newsletter!

burmeseday00 3 months ago

· dwizill

3 months ago

so many white people not any more lol

dwizill 3 months ago

· 7777c

7 months ago

dang thats Mr. villa i had him last year.

7777c 7 months ago

8 months ago

To think, our parents paid a fair amount of money for the 'privilege' of us receiving this 'education.'

smackitupNflipit 8 months ago

3 months ago

dwizill has made a comment on Bishop Ford Central Catholic High School Class of 1992 part 1 of 2:
so many white people not any more lol

Not that I have any love for my high school alma mater... but... having a current illiterate inmate of the institution my parents sent me to contact me regarding an 18-year-old
 video I posted on YouTube to tell me that there were so "many white people".

burmeseday00 3 months ago

3 months ago

Yeah man, the crème de la crème. I would love to know how many Bishop Ford grads have gone on to Ivy League colleges in the history of the high school.. less than .002 percent, I'm guessing?

And to think, I could've easily gotten into Stuyvesant, but my boneheaded blue collar parents thought that "public school = bad."
 So I had the 'privilege' of being sent to Ford. Luckily I was still able to catch up to the Ivy kids later, but not without shaking the huge BF shackle off my ankles first.

smackitupNflipit 3 months ago

3 months ago

Sigh... my parents thought Catholic School = good too. I began to realize how bad it was my first week there when I was pulled into a senior class by a teacher because not one senior knew who Charles Lindbergh was... "He flew a plane" I replied sheepishly, desperate to get out of the classroom and not to "show up" a senior...
When we took the SATs I had teachers coming up to
 me to tell me I had scored higher than them... I was ashamed that I didn't break 1100...

burmeseday00 3 months ago

3 months ago

Ivy League? Ha.. more like jailhouse league.

It took me a year in college just to realize what a terrible disadvantage that school put me in. Imagine my surprise when I was expected to write long essays defending positions when our teachers would give As if you were close to the right answer.

Ehh. but what good is education in this country now? I know one of the illiterati I was friends with who scored a 750 on his SAT, was a thief and a snake works for
 Chase for the last 10 years.....

burmeseday00 3 months ago

3 months ago

I have been involved in Venture Capital and Finance for 13 years and couldn't even get an interview with them... I guess I scored too well on my SAT and had some integrity. ...

Are you asked by people who know that school about the teacher that married a student too? I cannot believe how everyone knows about Pisselli having an affair with his student.... Another good advertisement in addition to the "so many white people"

burmeseday00 3 months ago

3 months ago

I'm now a corporate attorney. I went into Bishop Ford having scored in the top percentile of every standardized test I ever took. By the time I 'graduated,' I had spent three summers in summer school and carried a C average. All motivation and ambition had been drained from me.

I remember a Spanish teacher at Ford refusing to recommend me for Honors Spanish. Nowadays I read and write Spanish and Japanese fluently. But apparently I wasn't good enough to sit next to Joey Boombotz at Ford.

smackitupNflipit 3 months ago

3 months ago

Jesus, I thought I was the only one to suffer the Ford dementia. I was in the 98th percentile on the standardized tests prior to coming to that place and that was while I was getting kicked out of two middle schools for being a pain in the ass.

I had a Time Magazine subscription since I was nine, was reading Scientific American since I was six... in Junior year we were doing Phonics... PHONICS.

I will always have a special hatred for Piselli, I was in his Pre-Calculus class
 senior year..

burmeseday00 3 months ago

3 months ago

My mother was dying of Cancer, by Christmas it had become hopeless and I began missing classes because of it. If you miss a single class of pre-calculus you are lost, try a month.

I used to beg that pedophile for help when I was in school. Every time he would tell me to come up to the teachers
lounge and he never showed. He did manage to find time to hit on every 16 year old girl in a tight skirt though.

After, burying my mother in March, that bastard even sent me to summer school.

burmeseday00 3 months ago

3 months ago

I had Piselli for math as well at some point during my four-year black hole journey at Ford (I've since flushed my memory). Pretty sure I went to summer school for him too. And yes, I had heard about the student affair thing too. Disgusting, to say the least. Any school with a modicum of decency would've fired him so fast his head would've spun. But not Bishop Ford.

smackitupNflipit 3 months ago

3 months ago

I knew that girl since third grade. Had she been my daughter, Mr. Blackbelt tough guy would have been filling a shallow hole out in the weeds somewhere. Ford puts it out in the Alumni Newsletter announcements that he had a kid with his student!??? Is it me??

He made me hate math, made me avoid it in college and feel sick every time I see anything related to advanced math. Kind of put a dent in my having a career in science and medicine as I wanted... How many other dreams did he ruin?

burmeseday00 3 months ago

3 months ago

It's not you. He's a mental midget, like 98% of the other Ford faculty was (and undoubtedly still is).  Thanks to Ford, I also grew to hate math with a passion. Years later, at Hunter College , I got an "A" in every math and logic class I took, and came to love it, thanks to wonderful and inspiring professors. Nowadays, I work through logic textbooks in my spare time. But again, apparently Bishop Ford saw less in me than even I saw in myself at the time. What can I ever do to repay them?

smackitupNflipit 3 months ago


Block UserUnblock User

Posted October 25, 2008

There are some good teachers, but the rest are under qualified. If you are an above average student, then you will be put at a disadvantage by the course selections they offer. Also, their sports program is so over funded it’s ridiculous; students will find themselves often saying 'at least the gym is nice' I'm a senior currently in this school and I have to say that over all the teaching was crap, and most teachers can’t even tell you why their subject is important. I wish deep in my heart that I had transferred out of this school when I had the chance, because I was caught in what me and some of my friends call the 'bishop ford matrix' meaning that we thought our achievements made in this school can even measure up to the ones made by students in other schools...we obviously thought wrong. stay away from BFCCHS.

—Submitted by a student

Posted May 22, 2008

Any above average student should stay far away from this school. Bishop Ford is a very mediocre school and is put at a huge disadvantage due to not offering any AP classes. The school itself is far behind many others academically. I am an above average student, and I was never challenged intellectually at Bishop Ford. Most teachers and guidance counselors are inexperienced. The students are, for the most part, 'ghetto' (not meant to be derogatory). The student body, while diverse, heavily segregated (but most high schools are like this). A public high school offering AP classes that is decently safe would be a better choice, and it is free. In the end, I feel this school did not prepare me or my fellow classmates well for College, and a lack of AP classes disadvantaged many higher achievers.

—Submitted by a student

Posted April 18, 2008

A safe school, but inexperienced teachers in many cases, sometimes barely older than the seniors. The building is a dump. It's nice that it is a safe, decent place, but the building looks like it hasn't been touched since it was built in 1966. No air, and the place smells in the heat. Even public schools have window unit air conditioning nowadays. An overemphasis on sports leaves many of the other departments in the lurch.

—Submitted by a teacher

Posted April 1, 2008

Poor teaching, they focus on sports way too much, and everything is dirty and nasty too

—Submitted by a student

Posted June 11, 2007

Very poor teachers. Overpriced athletic department. Dirty cafeteria and bathrooms.

—Submitted by a student

But alas, a page from the play book of Juanito (Jay) Rodriguez was borrowed (See Below):


July 6, 2007

Here’s a little something for all of you who at one time or another were tempted to leave your job in a blaze of glory. I’m not sure as to the validity of the farewell letter, but I can tell you that the email I received was at one point forwarded by a program manager at JPMorgan Chase.Sincerely,
The Closet Entrepreneur

Awesome 'So long, it's sucked working here' farewell e-mail from JP Morgan Chase

I can't vouch for whether or not this is real, but it's entertaining never the less. We have all felt this way, at least, I know I have..

Nice job David Shane!

Subject: Fw: Farewell

Thank you,

David Shane

JPMorgan Chase Bank

Proprietary Positioning Business

(212) 834-9501

Jay Rodriguez/JPMCHASE

06/22/2007 01:16 PM




Subject: Farewell

Jay Rodriguez/JPMCHASE
06/22/2007 01:16 PM
Subject Farewell

Dear Co-Workers and Managers,

As many of you probably know, today is my last day. But before I leave, I wanted to take this opportunity to let you know what a great and distinct pleasure it has been to type “Today is my last day.”

For nearly as long as I’ve worked here, I’ve hoped that I might one day leave this company. And now that this dream has become a reality, please know that I could not have reached this goal without your unending lack of support. Words cannot express my gratitude for the words of gratitude you did not express.

I would especially like to thank all of my managers both past and present but with the exception of the wonderful Saroj Hariprashad: in an age where miscommunication is all too common, you consistently impressed and inspired me with the sheer magnitude of your misinformation, ignorance and intolerance for true talent. It takes a strong man to admit his mistake – it takes a stronger man to attribute his mistake to me.

Over the past seven years, you have taught me more than I could ever ask for and, in most cases, ever did ask for. I have been fortunate enough to work with some absolutely interchangeable supervisors on a wide variety of seemingly identical projects – an invaluable lesson in overcoming daily tedium in overcoming daily tedium in overcoming daily tedium.

Your demands were high and your patience short, but I take great solace knowing that my work was, as stated on my annual review, “meets expectation.” That is the type of praise that sends a man home happy after a 10 hour day, smiling his way through half a bottle of meets expectation scotch with a meets expectation cigar. Thanks Trish!

And to most of my peers: even though we barely acknowledged each other within these office walls, I hope that in the future, should we pass on the street, you will regard me the same way as I regard you: sans eye contact.

But to those few souls with whom I’ve actually interacted, here are my personalized notes of farewell:

To Philip Cress, I will not miss hearing you cry over absolutely nothing while laying blame on me and my coworkers. Your racial comments about Joe Cobbinah were truly offensive and I hope that one day you might gain the strength to apologize to him.

To Brenda Ashby whom is long gone, I hope you find a manager that treats you as poorly as you have treated us. I worked harder for you than any manager in my career and I regret every ounce of it. Watching you take credit for my work was truly demoralizing.

To Sylvia Keenan, you should learn how to keep your mouth shut sweet heart. Bad mouthing the innocent is a negative thing, especially when you’re talking about someone who knows your disgusting secrets. ; )

To Bob Malvin (Mr. Cronyism Jr), well, I wish you had more of a back bone. You threw me to the wolves with that witch Brenda and I learned all too much from it. I still can’t believe that after following your instructions, I ended up getting written up, wow. Thanks for the experience buddy, lesson learned.

Don Merritt (Mr. Cronyism Sr), I’m happy that you were let go in the same manner that you have handed down to my dedicated coworkers. Hearing you on the phone last year brag about how great bonuses were going to be for you fellas in upper management because all of the lay offs made me nearly vomit. I never expected to see management benefit financially from the suffering of scores of people but then again, with this company’s rooted history in the slave trade it only makes sense.

To all of the executives of this company, Jamie Dimon and such. Despite working through countless managers that practiced unethical behavior, racism, sexism, jealousy and cronyism, I have benefited tremendously by working here and I truly thank you for that. There was once a time where hard work was rewarded and acknowledged, it’s a pity that all of our positive output now falls on deaf ears and passes blind eyes. My advice for you is to place yourself closer to the pulse of this company and enjoy the effort and dedication of us “faceless little people” more. There are many great people that are being over worked and mistreated but yet are still loyal not to those who abuse them but to the greater mission of providing excellent customer support. Find them and embrace them as they will help battle the cancerous plague that is ravishing the moral of this company.

So, in parting, if I could pass on any word of advice to the lower salary recipient (“because it’s good for the company”) in India or Tampa who will soon be filling my position, it would be to cherish this experience because a job opportunity like this comes along only once in a lifetime.

Meaning: if I had to work here again in this lifetime, I would sooner kill myself. To those who I have held a great relationship with, I will miss being your co-worker and will cherish our history together. Please don’t bother responding as at this very moment I am most likely in my car doing 85 with the windows down listening to Biggie.


*Post Scriptum from Tomas of : I do not advocate burning bridges in this manner, this is simply a viral email that I wanted to share.


1.      Ben Cooper

From the way he wrote this was one bridge he never intends to cross again which is why he burned it totally. Dismissing this as a viral email means you don’t get it.

2.      TOMAS

Hi Ben, just to clarify, I stated “viral email” because it was sent to me on a distribution list and CC’d from a previous email so 1) it’s making its way around the internet thus it’s “viral” and 2) I have no way of verifying that this is the exact & original email that was sent out to everyone (just covering my arse in case there are differences or errors from the original).

I definitely do understand that he didn’t care about keeping any bridges intact.

3.      Katie

I think this is brilliant. The author not only left with no way of returning, but he stood on the other side of the river giving a big middle finger to all who remain lost in the grind.
We should all hope to be so witty.

4.      A.G.

Leaving Chase was the one of the single best decisions I’ve ever made. Bravo. Witnessing so much squandered potential and wasted money truly is demoralizing. The culture of squashing any opportunity to effect change leaves one awestruck when finally bathed in the light of an intelligent, creativity promoting organization. I can only imagine that Chase’s current profitability is entirely funded by the exploitation of previously generated and stored potential, an oil well of cash buried below the surface that surely must peak and crash..

5.      roman

Heh, all GTI folks. No surprise there.

6.      roman

After investing five years at Chase, toiled and suffered for the team upon the repeatedly broken promises of a bonus and metrics driven management, I dream of writing a letter such as this.

While moving up through the organizational tiers, from Tier I support to Tier III, and yet watching my functional and officer titles slide in the opposite direction via continual reorganization and retitling efforts, my time with Chase draws to a close, and for many of the same reasons as sited in the above.

Chase is the epitome of the story of the three letters…

A manager starts a new job, and while getting settled in at his new desk, discovers a note and three envelopes, marked “1″, “2″, “3″ in the top drawer. The note tells him that when he faces his first crises, open the first letter, when faced with his second major crises the second, etc.

So, filled with confidence in his new role, he pushes them into the back of the drawer, forgets about ‘em, and gets started.

Things go great for six months, and then the sky caves in. With a major crises, and management demanding answers, in a panic he remembers the three letters…

Ah ha!

So he pulls out the letter marked “1″ and tears it open and reads:

“Blame it on your predecessor.”

Yes! And so he does, and weathers the storm.

So then three months later, the sky falls in again and once again, in desperation he rips open the second letter to see:

“Reorg.” That’ll work he muses, and so it does…

So nine months later, it hits the fan again, and smiling to himself, he opens the third letter, and the smile drops off his face:

“Write three letters.” This is Chase, and with eleven managers in five and a half years, and watching more than one eject with a golden parachute, I can attest to this.

Yes, I dream of writing a letter like this.

7.      Joel

JP Morgan Chase Sucks Big Time!

8.      Dee

Jay was a great guy, I too feel the same about the old JPMCHASE...after 13 years it was a letter to you saying goodbye…Thanks to BANKOne! Kudos to Jay for expressing how he really felt..Take care Jay!!


9.      Joel

We live in a democracy and we should be able to speak freely about corporations that are morally bankrupt. Look at Enron, had someone spoke up sooner maybe all those employees would not have lost their jobs and their pensions.

Read my real life horror story about JP Morgan Chase:


Here’s another last day email from another satisfied Chase employee..

To All:

I would like to apologize to everyone on the QA staff and the Development staff for my involvement with the entire off-shoring effort.
I have decided to terminate my employment with JPMC effective immediately because I can no longer work for a company that demonstrates such cold-hearted indifference to loyal employees that have given 25, 30, 38 years of exemplary service to the company.
But most of all I want to apologize for being so naive as to actually believe the two stated reasons for hiring me in the first place:

1). To increase the level of technical expertise of members in the QA group.

2). To assist an outside group (TCS) in the development of automated regression tests to be used by the existing QA staff to more adequately test releases before placing them into production.

In reality, I now know that main purpose for hiring me was to help the TCS group convince upper management that all QA and Development activities could be moved offshore to Bangalore, India. The other secondary purpose for hiring me was to give training classes to the QA staff and then test the staff using unreasonably difficult questions as a means of dismissing staff members as “needing improvement”. Please forgive me for my involvement in this whole process. I didn’t wake-up and see the real agenda until about 2 months ago and realize that something was terribly wrong. Still I chose a few more paychecks rather than doing the right thing. Please forgive me for this. When Paula was dismissed based on a test I was asked to compose, I could no longer deny my complicity in this underhanded affair. Since then I have been more observant and I now realize that the off-shoring effort intends to migrate all TSS Clearing positions in QA and Development to India. So please be on the alert and watch what information you share.

It has been a pleasure working with all of you over the past year, I am sorry that it could not have been under better circumstances. God bless you all and good luck in the future.


11.  Jan Brady

JPM practices a managerial style known as Malcom X. A dictatorship style where management feels the average person is an idiot and can’t function without their personal guidance. A linear approach – with little or no flexibility in practice.

Nothing could be farther from the truth. As for the outsourcing practice, while I believe a global industry runs 24×7, and given the time differences between India and US, it makes good business sense.

However, to replace US employees with TCS employees is a whole different issue. TCS now has control over most of the JPM IT framework. Guess with that in mind, we are working for an Indian bank. They should probably rename it Bank of Baroda Chase – Or just shorten it to BOB – close to the original Bank One name. Customers would be less confused.

My personal admiration for Jay Rodriguez and spamboxformatt. You spoke the truth, did the morally right thing and I believe you are very honest and decent people.

Also, to all the TCS personnel I have worked with – I have found your work ethic and talent to be outstanding. Congratulations on taking over a major corporation even though it is yet to be recognized or acknowledged.

My condolences to JPM senior management for forfeiting their profitable business to overseas competitors – guised as IT consultants.

12.  BOB

It’s going to be great watching companies like this try to recruit in the U.S again someday.

13.  Syn0nym0us

I too wish I had the bravery to write an email like Jay. He said everything that I only think of; dare not speak it. Its sad that the company has come to this level of sheer incompetence.

It will be a while before the company can recover from this “culture” shock. The people with loyalty and commitment are the ones being forced out.

I have no complaints about Jamie Dimon though; its only a matter of time before he figures out that upper management is blowing smoke his way.

Recently, I had a review with my manager. He gave me the normal schpeil. Listed my so-called strengths, and weaknesses, and then gave me the usual Meets expectations.

At the time of my review, I was also looking at employment outside of the company. Eventually the employer offered me a job the following week after my review. When I went to resign, my manager asked what can we do to make you happy speech. Then he comments:

I didnt tell you this on your review, but you need to work on A, B, and C if you want to get to the next level.

I was stunned and surprised; my manager was only completely forthcoming with what I needed to work on after I threatened to leave the company. I am now convinced that some upper management willingly withholds guidance and grooming to secure their jobs.

You arent allowed to grow at JPMorgan. You are to do as you are told, Period.

14.  Tim

My opinion of ‘The Firm’,

To the (upper) management, Yes, some people do have the audacity to speak out against you. Deal with it. Not everyone is a mindless ‘unit of labor’ or puppet.

It is ironic how an email like this could even make it outside the firm when so many managers are on top of everything…surely there is no disconnect between management and staff? or perhaps things like this would not occur with management’s current ethics? or lack thereof…

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